Dr Mária Szeitzné-Szabó is medical doctor by graduation and has a master degree on public health and epidemiology including food safety and nutrition. She got her PhD degree in 2007 in risk assessment. In her professional life she got broad experience in food safety, especially the foodborne diseases, the hazard analysis and food-related risks.
Between 2005 and 2012 she was the general director of Hungarian Food Safety Office. After reorganization of food safety system she has been working for the Food Safety Risk Assessment Directorate of National Food Chain Safety Office.
She is member of Advisory Forum of European Food Safety Authority since the establishment of EFSA, and Hungarian representative in EFSA’s Emerging Risks Network.
1. hrvatska konferencija o procjeni rizika porijeklom iz hrane
6. – 7. listopada 2015.
Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku (Kralja Petra Svačića 1d)