She studied Veterinary medicine at University of Zagreb. In 2012 finished PhD in area of Biotechnical Sciences with the thesis Essential oils and natural zeolite influence on production and health performance of broilers, and microbiological contamination of chicken meat. From 1997 to 2008 worked as a veterinarian inspector in facilities for meat production and meat products, milk production and milk products and have interest in the microbiological hazards associated with food and feed. Has been working in the Croatian Food Agency since 2008 in the Department of risk assessment as senior expert associate. She is a coordinator of the Scientific Committee on the biological hazards in food, and coordinator of working group for Zoonosis. Involved in a number of scientific in house projects in area of
risk assessment and food safety. Member of the EFSA Scientific network for microbiological risk assessment (MRA).
1. hrvatska konferencija o procjeni rizika porijeklom iz hrane
6. – 7. listopada 2015.
Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku (Kralja Petra Svačića 1d)