Active in research on toxicokinetic studies of elements like cadmium and Iodine in experimental animal with the aim of refining consumer guidance on specific food items. Finalised recently a project for the Danish Environmental Authority on the risk to the consumer on lead in coffee. Has performed research (animal studies and human intervention studies) on potential beneficial compounds in fruit and vegetable. Adverse health effects of simple carbohydrates has been studied in experimental animals. Has been performing risk assessment on inorganic arsenic from rice and some specific rice products in the Danish population and on children from rice based infant food. Is at present running a project for Saudi Arabia with the aim of assessing exposure to inorganic and organic arsenic compound from rice, rice products in Saudi Arabia population. The project will contain analytical work as well as a risk assessment of the results. I am also given advises to the Saudi Food and Drug Authority on the development of the risk assessment unit. Was member of the EFSA working group drafting the opinion on lead in food. Is scientific adviser for the Danish Food and Veterinary Administration on arsenic, cadmium, lead, mercury, other elements, disinfectant, residues of veterinary medicine substances and many other substances. Teaching: At all levels at DTU and University of Copenhagen. Organising and implementing several international courses on risk assessment of chemicals in food in Europe, Africa and Saudi Arabia for the EU Commission and EFSA.
1. hrvatska konferencija o procjeni rizika porijeklom iz hrane
6. – 7. listopada 2015.
Poljoprivredni fakultet u Osijeku (Kralja Petra Svačića 1d)