Ms Katalin Ludvig holds a Master degree in Horticulture and in Economics, and gained experience on economics and development studies at the Ohio State University (USA) as well. Her main technical field is rural development. She started her professional career at a private company on project management. Subsequently she worked four years at the Research Institute for Agricultural Economics in Budapest, Hungary, where her main research field was rural development policy with special attention to the European Union policies, rural employment and income diversification.
In 2008 she joined to the Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations as a Junior Technical Officer for Rural Development and Policy. Currently she works there as a Rural Development Specialist and Deputy Regional Initiative Delivery Manager for Empowering Smallholders and Family Farms. She contributes to the development of the Regional Initiative Programme on Empowering Smallholders and Family Farms and provides support in its implementation. She has been working on donor or FAO funded projects in the region including the South-East European countries, Georgia and Kyrgyzstan for nine years.